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Grafted Loquat Tree (Yehuda) For Sale Online

PriceFrom $149.95
Excluding Sales Tax

The Yehuda Loquat tree is an older, rarely seen cultivar which has shown over its time to be more cold tolerant than most other Loquat tree cultivars making it a very nice selection for Loquat enthusiasts. Very much low-maintenance, requiring not a lot of care outside of your normal upkeep of plants. The Yehuda Loquat trees grow to reach approximately 15ft tall/wide when fully grown and can produce on their own. It is wise to cross pollinate it with another grafted type of Loquat tree because it will enhance the overall fruit. As an added bonus, this particular Loquat tree gives off a perfect canopy when full grown, very round and almost an ornamental look. It should also be noted, this Loquat tree's fruit may ripen sooner if in a warmer climate. (USDA Zones 7-10b)

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