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Blue Wisteria 'Sinensis' Tree For Sale Online

PriceFrom $19.95
Excluding Sales Tax

The Blue Wisteria 'Sinensis' tree is the chinese variety of wisteria trees. The Sinensis variety is different than the American Wisteria tree (Frutescens) by a couple of different ways. First, the chinese wisteria tree usually takes longer to bloom versus the American wisteria tree. Second, the chinese wisteria tree's seed pods are noticably different than the American wisteria tree 's seed pods. The chinese variety has seed pods that are velvety to touch and have a hairy look to their pods whereas the American wisteria variety has seed pods that are smooth and basically has a hairless look to them. Also, the size of the flower clusters are noticably different due to the chinese wisteria producing flower clusters that average 15-23cm in size compared to the American wisteria tree which produces flower clusters 30-45cm in size. (USDA Zones 5-9)

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